Fillers Treatment

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Fillers Treatment

Apart from treating wrinkles dermal filers also treat smiles lines which occurs when smile. Dermal fillers help in giving volume and plump up to lips and cheeks. They are also used for hands treatment to reduce scar marks on hands and add plump. Dermal fillers are not approved to add pluming up breast for getting volume. Fillers come in different forms.

Is Dermal Filler Effective?

Dermal fillers are as effective as Botox, both have long lasting result. Still result depends on the type of fillers you chose for your skin based on which your result is seen, nothing to worry about our best dermatologist are here to help you on what skin type you have and what will suit you the best.

Post Treatment Effects?

Before you start treatment ask your doctor how Botox and dermal fillers exactly work on your skin to get an idea how it will be. The best dermatologist is always ready to guide and help you. Bruises near injected area is normal which is nothing to worry about Also, mild numbness, itching, redness, sores little is normal but shall be informed to doctor at earliest.

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(10am - 05 pm)