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Dandruff & Flakes Treatment

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Dandruff & Flakes Treatment

Dandruff is seen as small to large white flakes accompanied by itching. These can even be sticky flakes, which may cause the skin to bleed upon removal of flakes. It is mainly seen on scalp, sometimes seen on eyelashes, eyebrows and side of nose.

Causes of Dandruff or Scaling of Scalp

Not Brushing Hair Frequently. Brushing hair aids the shedding of dead skin of scalp. By not brushing frequently the scalp is unable to shed the scales and it can promote yeast or fungal infection in the scalp.

Seborrheic dermatitis

Severe form of dandruff is also called seborrheic dermatitis. Dandruff in seborrheic dermatitis is greasy yellowish and difficult to treat. Dandruff develops mostly at hair margins, behind the ears, chest, around the nose etc. It is also associated with marked itching and greasy scalp.
Causes/Aggravates dandruff
  • Fungus (malassezia)
  • Hormonal changes
  • Illness
  • Not shampooing regularly
  • Oil, hair dyes, styling products
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Seasonal change, worsens in winter
  • Stress

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