Skin Hair CitySkin Hair CitySkin Hair City
Shriram Yashoda Complex, Shop No 2, Main
Baner Road, Near Orchid school, Pune-411045
+91 8007228866
Skin Hair CitySkin Hair CitySkin Hair City


Promoting a spirit of participation, dignity, and teamwork

Top Quality Service

Providing world-class care by upholding the highest quality, service, and safety standards.

Patient First

Patients, their experience, and safety are at the center of everything we do.


Following the highest ethical, professional, and transparent standards possible.
About us

Dr. Kavita – Leading Skin Specialist & Dermatologist in Pune

Dr. Kavita Patil is the Director of Dr. Kavita’s Skin Care Clinic and one of India’s leading cosmetologists in Pune. With a decade of experience in the cosmetology, trichology and aesthetic dermatology. She holds B.H.M.S., DSA and DT degrees from Gold Coast Training Academy Australia. And is a valued member of the BMA.
Dr. Kavita’s Skin Care Clinic is a world-class Cosmetology skin clinic in Pune that provides Skin diseases treatment, Hair treatment, Laser treatment and Aesthetic skincare treatments.
Using the latest technology, we believe in providing rapid & effective skin & hair care. Dr Kavita has built a recognizable reputation inside and outside the environs with several years of experience and hence she is one of the Best Skin Specialists in Pune. The doctor has regaled to the needs of patients in the most outstanding way since the emergence of private practice in Pune.
Call to appointment at any time +91 80072 28866

Dr. Kavita

(Chairman and Founder)

We try to serve best service

We take care of every detail and provide you with a one-of-a-kind treatment plan. Anything less will not suffice!

Laser Hair Reduction Treatment

Acne Treatment

Hair Transplant

Alopecia Areata

Mole, Wart & Skin Removal Treatment

Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment

Dandruff & Flakes Treatment


You will learn more from FAQ

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What is Consultio Medical services?

We are the first employee termination and human resource compliance solution for small business. We’re your full service outsourced HR team. Bambee can help your business with employee conflict resolutions and terminations.

Can we help with labor laws?

Yes. We’ll make Department of Labor regulations easy to understand, and ensure your business is compliant on both the federal and state level.

Can I terminate with a disability?

Employers can fire workers with disabilities under three conditions:
  • The termination is unrelated to the disability or
  • The employee does not meet legitimate requirements for the job

What is an employee handbook?

A good employee handbook helps to ensure that employers can effectively manage their workplace. It contains all of the policies, procedures, working conditions, and behavioral expectations that guide the workforce at a particular company.
Still have any query please Contact us

We draw on our global network to assemble a team of experts.

We also bring a strong interest in coaching and capability building, with an emphasis on emotional intelligence and effective stakeholder relationships.

Donald Johnson

Executive Manager

Jewel D Smith

Executive Director

Alan Smith

Managing Director

Brad Smith

Executive Manager

What Our Client Say

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)